Script Coverage Order Form

Script submissions should be up to 110 pages. Additional pages are reviewed for $2.50 per page and can be added below. Musicals can be accompanied with up to 5 song demos/samples for an additional $150.00. Please contact us if you are interested in having us review the entire score of your musical for more info.

Expected turn-around time is 14 days.

  • “Working with Oliver provided me with the most creative and pragmatic insights I have ever received. The sessions will inform my work for years to come, and help me keep my eyes on the prize: collecting writing honors is nice, but the goal is staging the show.”

    Andre Paul Thierry 2016 DVRF Playwrights Program Finalist
  • "Recently one of my plays was chosen for inclusion in a prominent theater festival. I feel I largely owe that honor to all the spot-on help I received from Oliver Roth in revising the play. I sent versions to him several times and each critique he provided was extremely useful. It’s often difficult to see what you’ve got in a play and what’s missing — his comments gave me opportunities to move the characters and plot forward and to increase the conflict. I will continue working with him on all future plays."

    Rosemary Zibart 2018 Broadway Bound Theatre Festival Selection
  • “OHenry Productions' evaluation of my text was keen, practical, and useful - a no-nonsense feedback full of suggestions. His comments and contributions were detailed and profound. I learned a lot about the business and the art of playwriting from Oliver's professional evaluation.”

    Tomas Garcia
OliverCoverage Checkout