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A MUST-SEE, LANDMARK PRODUCTION WHICH WILL GO DOWN IN THEATRICAL HISTORY. It is NOTHING SHORT OF A TRIUMPH and worth every accolade that is being heaped upon it. YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO BE THAT PERSON WHO MISSED IT. It’s truthful, emotionally honest and exquisite storytelling. It’s a play for now and it’s a play for us, the importance of which can’t be overstated. Watching this production is like going to church, it’s spiritual and often elevates you to another plane. The tears and blowing of noses in the audience is testament to the emotional power of this journey. The show is nothing but heart. It’s life affirming stuff that makes you want to go out and love, live like never before.

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I cried more than once, laughed, squirmed a little, ached for the lost souls, recognised their flaws, hoped for their salvation and accepted their fall. And, yes, cried again. THIS IS NOT SIMPLY THEATRE. THIS IS LIFE, and oh how it makes you want to live. THERE CAN BE NO HIGHER PRAISE.

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THIS IS GREAT THEATRE. It is literary, profound and, yes, a pitiless examination of modern culture but it is also warm, outrageous, gentle, sexy and a little soapy. It breaks your heart, oh how it breaks your heart, and more than once – but it does not leave you without hope. It is an affirmation of the power of art and the strength of the human spirit. I WAS IMMERSED, ENCHANGED AND ENRAPTURED BY ONE OF THE GREAT GLORIES OF THE MODERN STAGE.

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You will sob even as your spirits soar, an EXTRAORDINARY TRIUMPH. The Inheritance is a towering testament to love, loss and hope that will leave you in floods of tears but also exhilarated at being part of a GREAT MOMENT IN THEATRE HISTORY. DO NOT MISS IT.

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ONE OF THE MOST MOVING PIECES OF THEATRE I HAVE SEEN in recent years. The play is touching, emotional and frequently hilarous. It is ARGUABLY THE BEST PLAY THIS YEAR!

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Richard Jordan

The Inheritance BLINDSIDES YOU. The feeling you get is a thrilling, electric combination of intoxication, emotion, immersion and excitement. It will stay with you forever. You walk out FLOATING ON AIR, with a burning desire to talk to anyone and everyone about it. This FEARLESS AND EPIC new play about acceptance and human kindness is not only necessary and urgent but a perfect example of playwriting, acting, direction and design that comes together seamlessly. I would go so far as to put it among THE GREATEST THEATREGOING EXPERIENCES OF MY LIFE.’

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OliverRichard Jordan

“I try to avoid the use of superlatives when I’m writing about plays. The Inheritance is EASILY ONE OF THE BEST PLAYS I’VE EVER SEEN.”

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“A VAST MASTERPIECE. Beautifully acted throughout. The Inheritances is a BORN-AGAIN CLASSIC.”

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‘The Inheritance has become THE BREAKOUT HIT OF LONDON. It hits a playgoer in the gut – Not in some time have I heard such audible sobbing.’

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This is that rare beast, A PASSIONATELY AUDACIOUS, ENTIRELY SUCCESSFUL THEATRICAL EPIC THAT FULLY REALISES ITS BREATHTAKING AMBITIONS, filtering huge themes through the individual stories of characters we come to care very deeply about. It is also cracking entertainment. Trust me, YOU DON’T WANT TO BE THAT PERSON AT THE DINNER TABLE A DECADE FROM NOW, WISHING YOU’D GOT TICKETS TO THE INHERITANCE WHILE EVERYBODY ELSE AT THE PARTY STILL RAVES ABOUT IT. This is the sort of exciting, engrossing theatre that makes you wonder why people bother with Netflix.

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